“Exodus 11–12: The Passover,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 45–47
“ Exodus 11–12,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 45–47
The Passover
Exodus 11 is a continuation of the face-to-face meeting between Moses and Pharaoh that occurred at the end of Exodus 10. While still in the presence of Pharaoh, Moses received a revelation about the tenth and final plague. He declared to Pharaoh that the final plague would be the death of the firstborn in all the land. Pharaoh responded to Moses as he had before—he hardened his heart and ignored Moses’ warning. Moses then left, seeing Pharaoh’s “face again no more” (Exodus 10:29; see also v. 28).
The tenth and final plague, described in Exodus 11–12, was a great tragedy for the Egyptians. The final plague was also one of the most significant events in Israelite history when God showed His power as He delivered His people. To all who believe in Jesus Christ, this event—known as the Passover—is one of the most powerful symbols of Christ found in the Old Testament and can strengthen our testimony of His Atonement. As you read, look for how God’s miraculous deliverance of the Israelites from Egyptian bondage can be compared to Christ’s Atonement and think of how Jesus Christ delivers us from the spiritual bondage of sin.
Studying the Scriptures
Do activities A and B as you study Exodus 11–12.
Learn about Christ from the Passover
The Passover is a type, or symbol, of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Make a chart like the one shown here. Using Exodus 12:1–20, 43–49, list the elements of the Passover and then write what you think those elements represent as they apply to Christ, His Atonement, and our deliverance through repentance from the bondage of sin and worldliness. The following scripture references may help you as you look for meanings to symbols: Jeremiah 51:6; John 19:30–36; 1 Peter 1:18–20; Mosiah 27:24–26; Alma 5:21, 27, 57; 34:8–10; Doctrine and Covenants 19:16–19, 31.
Try to find at least the following elements: new calendar, lamb (without blemish), blood on the doorposts, unleavened bread, eaten with bitter herbs. There is a small section in the front of this study guide entitled “Look for Types and Symbolic Meanings” (on p. 4) that will help you interpret or find the spiritual significance of scriptural symbols. The first two elements are provided for you as examples.
Elements of the Passover
Spiritual Significance or Interpretation
Calendar changed; the Passover marked the first month of the year
Through our repentance and the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can make a “new beginning.”
A lamb
The blood of the Lamb of God, or Jesus Christ, cleanses us if we repent.
What about Today?
Following His Resurrection, Jesus Christ gave instructions regarding sacrifices and offerings under the law of Moses.
Read Matthew 26:17–30 and tell which ordinance the Lord asked us to participate in today that helps us remember the same spiritual things that the Passover did in ancient times.
Read 1 Corinthians 5:7–8 and tell why we no longer observe the Passover.