Seminaries and Institutes
Exodus 28–29: The Priests in the Temple

“Exodus 28–29: The Priests in the Temple,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 53–54

“Exodus 28–29,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 53–54

Exodus 28–29

The Priests in the Temple

Exodus 28–29 contains the Lord’s revelations to Moses concerning the priests who worked in the tabernacle performing ordinances for the people. These revelations include instructions on how to set apart and consecrate the priests, what they were to wear, and what some of their duties were. As with the tabernacle, considering the symbolism of what was done can teach us more about the gospel and what the Lord expects of us.

Studying the Scriptures

Do two of the following activities (A–C) as you study Exodus 28–29.

  1. How Were They Called?

    Read Exodus 28:1; Hebrews 5:1, 4; and Articles of Faith 1:5. Explain how Aaron and his sons were called to be priests and how the way they were called is a pattern for all who receive a priesthood office in the Church.

  2. Outline a Sacred Ceremony

    Exodus 29:1–21 describes how a priest was consecrated, or set apart, to work in the tabernacle. Outline the ceremony by describing what happened according to the following verses:

  3. What Is the Symbolism?

    Aaron and his sons had their ears, hands, and feet consecrated with blood. We know that blood symbolized the Atonement of Christ, which has the power to make us holy. What do ears, hands, and feet symbolize, and what does that symbolism teach us about preparing to attend to temple duties?





(see Exodus 28:36–38)

(see Exodus 28:15–30)

(see Exodus 28:31–35)

(see Exodus 28:6–12)
