Seminaries and Institutes
Exodus 32: The Golden Calf

“Exodus 32: The Golden Calf,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 54–55

“Exodus 32,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 54–55

Exodus 32

The Golden Calf

Exodus 24 tells how Moses went up Mount Sinai and communed with the Lord for forty days. Moses consequently received the revelations found in Exodus 25–31. Before Moses went up the mountain, the children of Israel covenanted with God to keep the commandments revealed up to that time through Moses, including the Ten Commandments. As was mentioned earlier, the Israelites’ committing to live the Ten Commandments was important so that they could receive the greater blessing Moses asked the Lord for on Mount Sinai. If the Israelites broke the Ten Commandments, they would lose additional blessings the Lord desired to give them. Unfortunately, that is exactly what happened.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A–C as you study Exodus 32.

  1. Did They Have a Short Memory?

    Read Exodus 20:3–6; 24:3; 32:1–6, 8 and answer the following questions:

    1. Which of the Ten Commandments did the children of Israel break in Exodus 32?

    2. Why do you think they did what they did?

  2. Apply the Principle

    1. In what ways are people today tempted to become impatient with God’s way of doing things and break His commandments?

    2. How could this lack of patience be considered worshiping a false god?

  3. Learn about Sin and Repentance

    In Exodus 32:19–29, Moses swiftly called the people to repentance. From how Moses acted and what happened, what lessons can we learn about the effects of sin and the requirements of repentance?
