Isaiah 10: The Destroyers Shall Be Destroyed

“Isaiah 10: The Destroyers Shall Be Destroyed,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 142

“Isaiah 10,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 142

Isaiah 10

The Destroyers Shall Be Destroyed

In Isaiah 9, the Lord made it clear that he would allow Assyria to conquer the children of Israel in the Northern Kingdom. Isaiah’s prophecies also seemed to imply that Assyria would destroy some of the kingdom of Judah as well. Why would the Lord allow a nation of wicked unbelievers like Assyria to conquer His covenant people? In Isaiah 10, the Lord answered this question. He said that because Israel was so wicked and hypocritical, He would no longer protect them. Isaiah 10 clearly states, however, that the Assyrians would also be punished because of their wickedness. They would not be allowed to completely destroy Judah because God would yet fulfill His promise concerning the coming of his “anointed,” or the Messiah (see Isaiah 10:27–34).