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Isaiah 30–32: Trust in the Lord

“Isaiah 30–32: Trust in the Lord,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 146–47

“Isaiah 30–32,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 146–47

Isaiah 30–32

Trust in the Lord

Isaiah 30–32 was written when Assyria threatened to attack Israel after having conquered other neighboring countries. Fearful, many in Israel sought Egypt’s help in defending themselves against the Assyrians. But the Lord helped the children of Israel escape wicked Egypt in the days of Moses; He fought their battles and helped them obtain their promised land. To join with Egypt in a treaty instead of relying upon the Lord, who delivered them in the past, showed how little faith the Israelites had in their God. Isaiah’s counsel in chapters 30–32 was to trust the Lord, not Egypt, for deliverance. Isaiah also told the children of Israel of the blessings they would receive if they put their trust in the Lord and warned of the consequences of not trusting Him.

How do you decide whether or not to trust someone? Have you ever trusted someone and had him or her take advantage of you? Whom should we trust? Do we fear what others can do more than we trust that the Lord will bless us for being faithful to Him? Do we trust in our own power to solve problems instead of trying the Lord’s way? These may seem like foolish questions, but because many people think the commandments are “too hard” or don’t see the immediate rewards of keeping the commandments, they trust in their own power and judgment, or the power and judgment of others, and disregard the commandments.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A as you study Isaiah 30–32.

  1. In Your Own Words

    In Isaiah 30:15–21, the Lord explained to the Israelites why they should trust in Him instead of in their own strength, the strength of others, or objects designed to help in battle. After you read these verses, respond to the following questions in your own words:

    1. What did the Lord say would happen if the Israelites trusted in their own strength? (see vv. 16–17).

    2. What should the Israelites trust? (see v. 15).

    3. According to verses 18–21, what did the Lord ask of the people, and then what would the Lord do for them?

    4. In what kind of situation do you think this counsel would be helpful today?