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Isaiah 5: The Sins of Israel

“Isaiah 5: The Sins of Israel,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 140–41

“Isaiah 5,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 140–41

Isaiah 5

The Sins of Israel

Isaiah 5 contains Isaiah’s continued description of Israel’s sins and the consequences of those sins. As you read, consider how the people’s sins in Isaiah’s day are like people’s sins in our day and what the Lord said will happen to those who refuse to repent.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A or B as you study Isaiah 5.

  1. Interpret the Parable for Today

    The parable in Isaiah 5:1–7 is about those who are given the gospel. What is the message of the parable for members in our day? You may want to consider Doctrine and Covenants 1:27; 82:3; and 105:6 as you write your response.

  2. Woe!

    List all of the people who the Lord says will experience “woe,” according to Isaiah 5:8–25, and describe each group of people in your own words.