Seminaries and Institutes
Jeremiah 30: The Lord Promises Help

“Jeremiah 30: The Lord Promises Help,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 162

“Jeremiah 30,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 162

Jeremiah 30

The Lord Promises Help

At the time the Babylonians conquered the kingdom of Judah and took them captive, the people of Judah wondered if God had forsaken them and the covenant He made with Abraham to give them the land of Canaan and to be a blessing to the rest of the world through the truths and blessings He gave them. They also questioned whether He had done away with the covenant He made to establish the descendants of David as kings in Israel (see 2 Samuel 7:13). Jeremiah 30–33 contains the Lord’s assurance to the children of Israel who were scattered and in captivity that He had not forsaken them or His covenants.

Jeremiah was told to write rather than speak the prophecy in Jeremiah 30–33. Since Jeremiah was in jail at the time, the written word would still allow the words of a prophet to reach the people. Also, although the people did not listen to Jeremiah at the time this revelation was given, if it were written down the people who were in captivity might be more teachable and could read it at a later time. Also note that the prophesy is directed to both Judah and Israel. Israel was taken by the Assyrians over 120 years before the time the Lord gave Jeremiah the message in this chapter.

As you read Jeremiah 30, look for what the Lord said about Judah’s captivity and what He would do for them if they would trust in Him. This message could also apply to someone captive to sin who feels lost to God. Perhaps he might feel the Lord had also forsaken him. As you read, look also for a personal message someone could get from this chapter.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study Jeremiah 30.

  1. List the Consequences

    1. Read Jeremiah 30:5–7, 12–15 (including the Joseph Smith Translation in the footnotes) and describe what happened to the Israelites because they forsook their God and worshiped idols.

    2. How are the consequences of idol worship like the consequences of sin today?

  2. Make a Comparison

    Read Jeremiah 30: 8–11, 16–17. How is what the Lord promised to do for Judah in captivity like what He could do to help someone captive to sin?
