Seminaries and Institutes
Job 40–42: Job Passes the Test

“Job 40–42: Job Passes the Test,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 131

“Job 40–42,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 131

Job 40–42

Job Passes the Test

When you truly begin to understand the greatness of God, how do you feel?

Job 40 records Job’s answers to the Lord’s questions when he took an opportunity to briefly answer the Lord (see Job 38–39). Job simply declared his humility in response to what the Lord said to him. The Lord then continued to teach Job until the end of chapter 41. The Lord’s message was much like the message of chapters 38–39, which was that the Lord is in control of all things and all things will be for our blessing and happiness as we are humble and obedient.

Job 42 records that Job spoke again and expressed what he learned from the Lord and how he felt about what he learned. Then the Lord told Job’s friends to repent. The last few verses tell what eventually happened to Job.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study Job 40–42.

  1. Say It in Your Own Words

    Write Job 42:5 in your own words, then write a paragraph that tells what you think Job may have meant when he said what he did.

  2. What Did He Learn?

    What do you think Job came to understand through his experience? Before you answer, consider the following questions and statement:

    • When did Job get relief from his trials? What changed first, things outside of Job or inside of him?

    • How does what Job obtained later in his life (see Job 42:10–17) compare to what he had originally (see Job 1:2–3)? What might the increase symbolize?

    • Elder Richard G. Scott said: “I testify that you have a Heavenly Father who loves you. I witness that the Savior gave His life for your happiness. I know Him. He understands your every need. I positively know that as you accept Their will without complaint, They will bless and sustain you” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1995, 21; or Ensign, Nov. 1995, 18).
