undefined undefined Jonah 1–2: Can You Run from the Lord?
Jonah 1–2: Can You Run from the Lord?

“Jonah 1–2: Can You Run from the Lord?” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 185–86

“Jonah 1–2,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 185–86

Jonah 1–2

Can You Run from the Lord?

What would you say or how would you feel if your leaders assigned you (alone) to share the gospel with the most wicked and cruel person you know? Jonah 1–2 tells how Jonah was called to go to Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, and warn the Assyrians to repent. The Assyrians were known for their great wickedness and cruelty and had already conquered Syria (see map 5 in your Bible) and threatened to conquer Israel.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A–C as you study Jonah 1–2.

  1. Look for Details

    1. Why did the sailors wake Jonah up?

    2. Whose idea was it that Jonah be thrown into the sea?

    3. What did the Lord prepare to swallow up Jonah?

  2. What Do You Think?

    Write about why a person might feel like running away from what God wanted him or her to do or decline callings in the Church. What can we learn from Jonah’s experience in Jonah 1 about trying to run from the Lord? (see Moses 4:12–16).

  3. A Type of the Savior

    How long was Jonah in the belly of the fish? Read also Matthew 12:38–41 and write how Jonah’s experience is like what happened to the Savior.