undefined undefined Joshua 10: The Sun and Moon Stand Still
Joshua 10: The Sun and Moon Stand Still

“Joshua 10: The Sun and Moon Stand Still,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 82–83

“Joshua 10,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 82–83

Joshua 10

The Sun and Moon Stand Still

The news of what the Israelites did in the land continued to spread. Joshua 10 tells about what several different groups of people tried to do to stop the Lord’s people. We also read about what the Lord did to help His people overcome their enemies. As you read, think about who your “enemies” are as you try to obtain eternal life. In what ways can you follow Joshua’s example? In what ways can you compare what the Lord did for Joshua to what the Lord can do for you?

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study Joshua 10.

  1. Extra Help from the Lord

    1. What two extraordinary acts did the Lord cause to help the Israelites battle their enemies?

    2. What help do we have today to withstand temptations and wickedness? (You may want to read 1 Nephi 14:12–14 for some ideas.)

  2. Liken the Scriptures to Yourself

    1. Read Joshua 10:24–25 and compare what you read to what the Lord said in 1 Corinthians 15:21–26; Doctrine and Covenants 76:58–62, 101–6; 103:5–8. Describe what Joshua told the captains to do and how it is a symbol of what Jesus will do for His people.

    2. How can we prepare ourselves to be worthy of the Lord’s help and protection?