undefined undefined Joshua 2: Spies in Jericho
Joshua 2: Spies in Jericho

“Joshua 2: Spies in Jericho,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 79–80

“Joshua 2,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 79–80

Joshua 2

Spies in Jericho

Alma taught that faith is putting your trust in God (see Alma 36:3). As you read Joshua 2, look for ways people in this chapter demonstrate their faith.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A or B as you study Joshua 1.

  1. Rahab the Good

    After reading Joshua 2; Hebrews 11:30–31; and James 2:24–25, imagine you were one of the spies and write an explanation giving evidence of how Rahab demonstrated faith and explaining why you think the Israelites should save her when they conquer Jericho.

  2. A Scarlet Thread

    What do you think the scarlet thread could represent? What did the Israelites do when they were in Egypt that was like this scarlet thread? (see Exodus 12:7, 13).