undefined undefined Judges 4–5: Deborah the Prophetess
Judges 4–5: Deborah the Prophetess

“Judges 4–5: Deborah the Prophetess,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 85

“Judges 4–5,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 85

Judges 4–5

Deborah the Prophetess

Judges 4–5 tells about how Israel was delivered from the bondage of their enemies under the direction of a woman named Deborah, who was both a judge and a prophetess. She prophesied that a woman would destroy the enemy’s leaders. The prophecy was fulfilled when a non-Israelite woman named Jael killed the leader of the enemy army. The people learned that if they trusted the Lord, He could deliver them.

Judges 5 contains the words of a song the Israelites sang about this important event. Music can be a powerful way of praising God (see also D&C 25:12).