Seminaries and Institutes
The Book of Leviticus

“The Book of Leviticus,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 56–62

“The Book of Leviticus,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 56–62

The Book of Leviticus

Leviticus is the third of the five books of Moses (see “The Books of Genesis, Moses, and Abraham,” p. 9). We assume that the instructions in Leviticus were revealed to Moses either while he was on Mount Sinai or sometime shortly after the events described in Exodus because part of the instructions deal with sacrifices to be offered in the tabernacle. Leviticus means “having to do with the Levites.” The Lord chose the tribe of Levi to take care of the tabernacle, work in it, and help the rest of the house of Israel perform ordinances in that sacred place. Much of Leviticus gives instructions concerning the ordinances to be performed in the tabernacle, the qualifications of the priesthood holders who would perform those ordinances, and the duties of the people with regard to the ordinances.

A “Handbook” for the Levites

Because Leviticus is a “handbook” for the Levites serving in the tabernacle, it contains many detailed instructions concerning different kinds of sacrifices and religious practices that may seem strange or unfamiliar to the modern reader. If you look past these unfamiliar practices, you can learn important truths about sin, repentance, forgiveness, holiness, and the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Getting Ready to Study Leviticus

Overview of Leviticus



Part 1

Leviticus 1–16

Becoming justified, which means to be forgiven of sin and worthy before God

Leviticus 1–7

Sacrifices that atone for sin or express a willingness to be committed to God

Leviticus 8–10

Laws for priesthood holders who assist in the offerings

Leviticus 11–15

Laws of cleanliness for the people

Leviticus 16

Explanation of the Day of Atonement, when the whole house of Israel could be cleansed

Part 2

Leviticus 17–27

Becoming sanctified, which is to become more holy and godly

Leviticus 17

Personal holiness

Leviticus 18

Holiness in family relations

Leviticus 19–20

Holiness in social relations and as a congregation

Leviticus 21–22

Holiness of the priesthood

Leviticus 23–25

Celebrations and sacred events that encourage holiness

Part 3

Leviticus 26

Blessings that come from obeying the laws of God

Part 4

Leviticus 27

Consecrating possessions to the Lord