undefined undefined Numbers 5–8: Additions to the Law of Moses
Numbers 5–8: Additions to the Law of Moses

“Numbers 5–8: Additions to the Law of Moses,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 63

“Numbers 5–8,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 63

Numbers 5–8

Additions to the Law of Moses

Numbers 5–6 contains additional instructions the Lord gave concerning disease (see 5:1–4), repentance (see 5:5–10), what a husband is to do when he thinks his wife has been unfaithful to him (see 5:11–31), those who make a special vow to serve the Lord (Nazarites; see 6:1–21), and a blessing priests should pronounce upon the people (see 6:22–27). In Numbers 7–8 we read about offerings that were made at the dedication of the tabernacle and the setting apart of the Levites to perform their special priesthood callings.

This study guide pays special attention to Numbers 6, which describes the laws of the Nazarite. In Hebrew, nazir means “one consecrated or devoted.” Thus, when people committed themselves in a special way to the Lord, or if their parents committed them to the Lord, they were called “Nazarites.”

Studying the Scriptures

Do two of the following activities (A–D) as you study Numbers 6.

  1. Write an Advertisement

    Write an imaginary advertisement to recruit men to become Nazarites. Your ad should include at least three things the Lord expected of a Nazarite (pay special attention to Numbers 6:3–7).

  2. Who Were Some Famous Nazarites?

    Read the following scriptures and name three people who were Nazarites: Judges 13:5, 24; 1 Samuel 1:11, 19–20, 28; Luke 1:13–15.

  3. Apply It to Today

    What are we asked to do today to dedicate ourselves to God that makes us different from many other people in the world?

  4. Think of a Blessing from Your Leaders

    Choose one of the blessings from the “Understanding the Scriptures” section above that you would like to receive, and explain why. What must you do to receive that blessing?