undefined undefined Genesis 2; Moses 3: The Creation of Eve
Genesis 2; Moses 3: The Creation of Eve

“Genesis 2; Moses 3: The Creation of Eve,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 12–13

“Genesis 2; Moses 3,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 12–13

Genesis 2; Moses 3

The Creation of Eve

Genesis 2 (and Moses 3) completes the story of the Creation. In it we learn more about commandments God gave to Adam, about the relationship of Adam to all other creations, and about the creation of Eve, the first woman.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study Genesis 2 and Moses 3.

  1. Choose Important Words

    Choose what you think are the four words in Moses 3:2–3 that help us best understand and appreciate the importance of the Sabbath day, and explain how they increase our understanding.

  2. Say It in Your Own Words

    1. What commandment did Adam receive in Moses 3:15–17?

    2. What did God say would be the consequences of breaking this commandment?