Gospel Library Online
Genesis 30: The Children of Jacob, Part 2

“Genesis 30: The Children of Jacob, Part 2,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 32

“Genesis 30,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 32

Genesis 30

The Children of Jacob, Part 2

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A as you study Genesis 30.

  1. The Children of Jacob

    Make a chart of the sons of Jacob that looks like the one below. You will also need to look at Genesis 29:31–35 to complete the chart. Jacob’s last son, Benjamin, was not born until later in Jacob’s life; the story of Benjamin’s birth is in Genesis 35. You may want to leave room on your chart and write him in later. Put the sons in the order they were born according to the scriptures. Your footnotes will be very helpful in completing the chart. You may also want to highlight or underline each son when his name first appears in the verses, and also underline the meaning of his name in the footnotes. If you mark your scriptures this way, you can see each name quickly the next time you read.

    Name of Child


    Meaning of Name

    Reason Why Name Was Given



    Look, a son

    Leah was pleased that she could have a son for Jacob, even though she felt unloved.

