Seminaries and Institutes
Genesis 35: Jacob Returns to Bethel

“Genesis 35: Jacob Returns to Bethel,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 34

“Genesis 35,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 34

Genesis 35

Jacob Returns to Bethel

In Genesis 28, Jacob had a very important spiritual experience at a place he named Bethel. At that time, the Lord promised to be with Jacob so that he could return and worship the Lord again in his homeland. Twelve children and over twenty years later, he returned to that sacred spot where he had another important spiritual experience. As you read, think about all you’ve learned about Jacob, all that had happened since his last visit to Bethel, and how Jacob’s experiences might affect the way he felt about what God promised him this time at Bethel.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study Genesis 35.

  1. Prepare to Go to the House of the Lord

    In Hebrew, Beth-el means “House of God” (see Genesis 28, footnote 19a). Bethel was to Jacob what temples are to us today. Knowing that, what can Genesis 35:1–5 teach us about going to the temple?

  2. Compare What the Lord Said to Jacob to What He Has Said to Others

    Read what the Lord said to Abraham in Genesis 12:1–3; 15:17–21; 17:1–8; 22:15–18. How do those words compare to what the Lord said to Jacob in Genesis 35:9–12?
