“Genesis 4; Moses 5: Sacrifice and the Family of Adam,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 14–15
“Genesis 4; Moses 5,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 14–15
Sacrifice and the Family of Adam
Being cast out of Eden and the Lord’s presence must have been frightening for Adam and Eve. They had never experienced mortality. How could they return to the presence of God again?
Like Adam and Eve, we are cut off from the presence of God, so the same question applies to us.
Genesis tells the story of Adam and Eve being cast out of Eden and the presence of the Lord as if they had no hope of living in the Lord’s presence again.
Fortunately, the book of Moses contains inspired additions to Genesis that tell how Adam was taught about the plan that was prepared before the creation of the world so he and his posterity could be redeemed, or freed, from the sin and death the Fall brought into the world.
In addition to truths about redemption and the Atonement, Moses 5 contains an account of how Satan and his followers from the premortal life attempted to influence the family of Adam to reject the message of redemption through Christ. As you read, notice what happened to those who refused to listen to the counsel of the Lord and instead followed the counsel of Satan.
Studying the Scriptures
Do at least three of the following activities (A–E) as you study Moses 5.
Finish These Sentences (See Moses 5:4–11.)
Adam offered sacrifices because …
Adam learned from the angel …
Adam and Eve realized …
Make a Comparison
In Moses 5:7–8, the angel explained to Adam what his sacrifices represented, and in Moses 5:9, the Holy Ghost explained the Savior’s role as the ultimate redeeming sacrifice. Answer the following questions in your notebook: (1) Although we don’t offer burnt sacrifices today, as Adam did, which ordinances do we participate in that serve the same purposes? (2) What do these ordinances have to do with redemption, doing all we do “in the name of the Son” (v. 8), and the sacrifice of the Only Begotten?
Gain Additional Understanding from the Book of Mormon
Moses 5:9–11 tells about some of the blessings Adam and Eve and their posterity received because of the Fall. Read 2 Nephi 2:19–27 and summarize what you learn from these two references about why the Fall of Adam and Eve was a necessary part of Heavenly Father’s plan and how the Fall is a blessing to us.
Answer Cain’s Questions
Cain asked two important questions (see Moses 5:16, 34) that people today still ask. Write a letter explaining the correct answers to his questions.
The Enticements of Satan
Read Moses 5:12–13 and consider Adam and Eve’s actions and Satan’s actions.
In what ways do you see Satan’s influence in a similar way today?
What did Satan not “advertise” in his enticements? (see Moses 5:41, 52–54; see also Alma 30:60).
Adam’s Day
Our Day