undefined undefined Genesis 9: A New Start
Genesis 9: A New Start

“Genesis 9: A New Start,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 20–21

“Genesis 9,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 20–21

Genesis 9

A New Start

Genesis 9 tells the story of Noah and his family leaving the ark and helping Heavenly Father fulfill His purposes for His children. Because they were the only family on earth, they were a family in a similar situation as Adam and Eve. Noah’s family, however, had the benefit of knowing the temporal and spiritual history between Adam and the Flood. Considering what you know about why the Lord flooded the earth, what would you be very careful about doing in your life if you were in Noah’s family? What would you be sure to teach your children?

The opportunity for Noah and his family to start over in a world cleansed of wickedness is symbolic of the opportunity we receive when we are baptized—we get a chance to start over again and be more diligent in following Heavenly Father’s plan. Just like the rainbow became a reminder of God’s love and mercy to Noah’s family, the sacrament can be a frequent reminder of how the Lord has provided a way for us to gain eternal life through the Atonement.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A as you study Genesis 9.

  1. What Is Your “Rainbow”?

    1. The Lord gave Noah a sign, or reminder, of the covenant He made. The sign helped Noah remember how merciful the Lord was to him. Write about something that reminds you how merciful the Lord is to you.

    2. How can the sacrament be to us what the rainbow was to Noah?