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1 Samuel 1: ‘For This child I Prayed’

“1 Samuel 1: ‘For This child I Prayed’” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 90–91

“1 Samuel 1,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 90–91

1 Samuel 1

“For This Child I Prayed”

President Spencer W. Kimball said, “Someday, when the whole story of this and previous dispensations is told, it will be filled with courageous stories of our women, of their wisdom and their devotion, their courage, for one senses that perhaps, just as women were the first at the sepulchre of the Lord Jesus Christ after his resurrection, our righteous women have so often been instinctively sensitive to things of eternal consequence” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1978, 6; or Ensign, May 1978, 5).

Samuel’s mother, Hannah, could certainly be considered one of the women President Kimball referred to. As you read 1 Samuel 1, look for instances that show her greatness. Consider what it means for children to have parents like Hannah and Elkenah. Learning about them gives us examples to follow when we become parents.

Studying the Scriptures

Do two of the following activities (A–C) as you study 1 Samuel 1.

  1. How to Meet Challenges

    From the events you read about in 1 Samuel 1, what can you learn from Hannah to apply to your own life’s experiences?

  2. What Do You Think It Would Be Like?

    Describe what you think it would be like to be Hannah’s child. Include in your answer some qualities you read about in 1 Samuel that show what kind of mother Hannah was.

  3. How Do You Dedicate Yourself to God?

    Because Hannah dedicated Samuel to the Lord’s service, Samuel would grow up with the priests and work with the tabernacle all his life. Obviously, we do not dedicate our children to the Lord in the same way today; however, what do you think you could do as a parent to give your children the feeling Samuel had growing up, the feeling that he belonged to the Lord and was specially dedicated to the Lord’s service all his life?