undefined undefined 1 Samuel 16: The Lord Chooses a New King
1 Samuel 16: The Lord Chooses a New King

“1 Samuel 16: The Lord Chooses a New King,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 96

“1 Samuel 16,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 96

1 Samuel 16

The Lord Chooses a New King

Because of Saul’s disobedience, he was told that another king would be chosen for Israel (see 1 Samuel 13:13–14; 15:26–28). If you were choosing the new king, what would you be looking for? As you read 1 Samuel 16, notice what the Lord said to Samuel about choosing a new king.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study 1 Samuel 16.

  1. Scripture Mastery—1 Samuel 16:7

    What does 1 Samuel 16:7 teach us about the way the Lord looks at us and the way we should look at others?

  2. The Power of Music

    1. Music has great power to influence our feelings. What did David’s music do for Saul?

    2. We should realize that what David’s music did for Saul was only temporary. What would have given those feelings to Saul more permanently?

    3. How do people today use music in the same way Saul did?

    4. Name a hymn or song that helps you feel the influence of the Holy Ghost.