Seminaries and Institutes
1 Samuel 7: Repentance Brings the Victory

“1 Samuel 7: Repentance Brings the Victory,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 92–93

“1 Samuel 7,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 92–93

1 Samuel 7

Repentance Brings the Victory

After losing their battle with the Philistines by trying to use the ark as a symbol of good luck, the Israelites had two choices. They could try getting another god to save them (which is what many superstitious people did) or they could repent and exercise more faith and trust in the living God, instead of the symbol of the living God. As you read 1 Samuel 7, notice what Samuel counseled the people to do and what happened when the people followed his counsel.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A as you study 1 Samuel 7.

  1. What Saves?

    1. Read 1 Samuel 4:3 and explain what the people thought would save them.

    2. What do people today believe will save them?

    3. What did Samuel do in 1 Samuel 7, and what did he ask the people to do so they could be saved from their enemies?

    4. In what ways could we use these same things to overcome our challenges and temptations today? Give an example.
