Kuht Fah Tuhkweni Sowack
April 2015

Kuht Fah Tuhkweni Sowack

In ekihn muhtwacn ac mukul karihngihn olwelahuh, kuht enenuh in tahpuhk sie sin sie ac kahsruh sie sin sie eklac mwet ma Leum el luhngse kuht in eklac nuh kac uh.

Sahyacn sramsram moklweyuck, on, ac pruhe ma puhsrallah insiyacsr ke toeni luhlahp uh, nga lohng sin tahmtahel pucspucs muh ma elos luhngse emet pa in liye Prestuhnsi Se Met ac U luhn Mwet Sap Singucul Luo ke elos tifoki ke acn in sramsram se inge wi muhtwacn ma pahtpaht kiyaclos uh. Yac kuht nuh kwewa luhngse ke Tamuhlwel uh sramsram ke ohiyac puhsisacl ke luhngse lalos nuh selos uh?

President Boyd K. Packer and his wife, Donna, at the Brigham City Utah Temple cornerstone ceremony, 23 September 2012.

In sramsram ke muhtwacn kiyacl, Donna, Prestuhn Boyd  K. Packer el fahk, “Ke srihpen ohfohs nga sruok, nga enenuh nuhna pwacye in fahk ma pwacye: El suwohswohs.” 1

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf and his wife.

“El pa kahlwem luhn faht ah ke moul luhk uh.” 2 Prestuhn Dieter  F. Uchtdorf el fahk ke muhtwacn kiyacl, Harriet.

President Henry B. Eyring and Sister Eyring at their wedding.

Prestuhn Henry B. Eyring, in sramsramkihn muhtwacn kiyacl, Kathleen, el fahk muh, “El pa mwet se suc pacl nuh kwewa oruh nga in luhngse in eklac mwet wo emet ma nga kuh in oacna uh.” 3

LDS Church President Thomas S. Monson gives his wife, Frances, a kiss at their 60th anniversary celebration, 10/6/2008, at the Lion House. The two met in 1944 and were married in the Salt Lake Temple on Oct. 7, 1948.

Ac Prestuhn Thomas S. Monson, sramsram ke Frances muhtwacn sacohk kiyacl, el fahk:, “El pa luhngse luhn moul luhk, mwet luhlahlfongi kiyuck, ac kawuck ma fototo emet luhk. In fahk muh nga ahsroellah tiac muhtwacwacack in ahkkahlwemye puhla loal luhk.” 4

Nga pac ke ahkkahlwemye luhngse luhk nuh sin mukul tuhmuhk, Craig. El mwe sang sacohk se nuh sihk! In sramsram ke mukul tuhmuhk, oasr acn luhngkihnyuck ac muhtahl se ke mwe insewowo sin patriarchal luhk ah ma olwelah muh moul luhk ac moul luhn tuhlihk nuhtihk uh fah “karihngihnyuck sel.” Kahlwem sihk lah Craig el pa ahkfalyeyacn olwelah se ingenacn. In orekmakihn kahs lal Mark Twain, nga fahk lah “moul ke el wacngihn [Craig] tiac pa moul.”5 Nga luhngse el, insiyacl ac nguhnal!

Ip kunac ac Kunohkohn Lucng me

Mihsenge nga finsrak in ahkfuhlwactye mukul tuhma, pahpah, mukul wiyac, mukul nahtuh, ac uncle an suc etuh lah suc elos an ac suc oruh kuhiyaclos in ahkfalye lalos sin God oacna ahkuhtweyucki ke mwe fahkwack luhn sucu, wi pac kol ke suwohswohs ac sang mwe enenuh la ac karihngihn sucu lalos. Nuhnak muhnahs etuh lah nga akihlen na pwacye lah sifac ke ohiyacn pahpah, ninac, ac pahyuck kuh in ma upac nuh sin mwet puhs. Nga etuh lah kuhtuh mempucr ke Alu uh puhla lah lohm selos ac tiac sun ma elos liye muh ohiyac suwohs uh. Puhkantwen kweok ke srihpen tiac karihngihnyuck, ahkkolukyeyuck, mwe pahlah, ac facsin sesuwohs. Nga tiac insese nuh ke mukwikwi luhn mukul kuh muhtwacn suc sulwaclah kuh finne nihkihn tuhsruhktuh oruh mwet in kweok, oasrasr, ac ahsor ke lohm selos. Tuhsruhktuh mihsenge nga ac sramsram ke ma sahyac.

Nga luhlahlfongi lah mukul tuhma el fucng emet nuh sin muhtwacn kiyacl ke el kuhlwacnsap ke kunohkohn sin God me oacna mwet nwacsnwacs suc sruok pristut seyohk srihpac emet lohm ah. Nga luhngse ac luhlahlfongi kahs inge sel Prestuhn Packer nuh sin mukul ac pahpah tuhma: “Oasr kuh luhn pristut sum ma sin Leum sifacna in karihngihn lohm sum. Ac oasr pacl ma ma sefanna ma ac loangwelah sucu lom liki luhn Setuhn pa kuh se ingacn.”6

Mwet Kol ac Mwet Luti in Nguhn Lohm ah

Ke muhtuhn yac se inge nga tuh wi mas se luhn mukul wolacna se—uncle luhn mukul tuhmuhk uh Don. Sie sin mukul nahtuhl Uncle Don el akacsruhi ke sie ma sikyak ke el tuhlihk srihsrihk se ah, pacl fototo tukun pahpah ac ninac kiyacl ah moli lohm se met selos. Ke srihpen oasr tuhlihk limekohsr srihk in sang mongo ac nuknuk nuh se uh, suhfal mani in moli kalkal ke acn selos. In ahkfalye sie kunohkohn sin God me lal in karihngihn sucu lal, Uncle Don el fihlkaskiyac kuhtuh stek nuh in fohk uh, eis kuhtuh sucl, ac kapriac sucl ah ke stek nuh ke stek raunwelah acn selos ah. Na el pahngon tuhlihk nahtuhl nuh yohrohl. El ahkkahlwemye stek ac sucl ac ahkuhtweyac nuh selos lah elos fin muhta lun kalkal el tiac oraclah pwacye sacn, elos ac sef.

Sie lwen ah mwet forfor luti uh liye ke suhlahlahlfongi ke elos sun lohm ah ac liye tuhlihk srihsrihk limekohsr tu ke ohiyac ahkostwen apkuhran nuh ke sucl ah, ngwetlah liye pohl se ma som ahluhkwelah acn selos nuh ke inkacnek ah. Sie sin tuhlihk srihsrihk kahsruhsr in suli pahpah tuhmwaclos, suc, ke ma inge, kahsruhsr ac fohlohkohnma pohl sac.

Tok kuhtuh ke mas ah, mukul nahtuhl ma mahtuh emet el ahkkahlwemye ke sron in muhtahl lah finsrak ke moul lal pa in oacna pahpah wolacna tuhmwacl.

Sister Burton's son and grandson reading together.

Prestuhn Ezra Taft Benson el fahk:

“Oh, mukul ac pahpah tuhma ke IsraelAlu uh, kowos kuh in oruh ma yohk ke molwelah ac moul ma pahtpaht luhn sucu lowos! …

Esam pahng muhtahl lowos in pahpah fin acn Israel—pahng lowos ma yohk emet ke pacl ac ma pahtpaht—pahng se ma kowos ac tiac fihlfihllac kac.”

Sister Burton's son and grandson on a bed together.

Kom enenuh kahsruh oraclah lohm se ma Nguhn luhn Leum kuh in muhta kac.” 7

Kahs in pahluh ingen srackna yohk srihpac mihsenge.

Sahp oacna upac, na pwacye, nuh sin mukul wuhlweacng in moul ke sie facluh ma tiac ahkkolukyeyuck ip kunac ac kunohkohn lalos sin God me muhkwena tuhsruhktuh oacyacpac suhpwaclah pweng suhtuhuh ke kalmacn “mukul pwacye se.” Sie pweng suhtuhuh pa “Ma yohk srihpac emet nuh sihk pa nga.” Ac ke ohiyac sahyac pweng koluk ac isrucn uh muh mukul ac pahpah tuhma uh tilac enenweyuck. Nga siyuck tuh kowos in tiac lohng ma kikiacp lal Setuhn! El fuhlwelah suwohs muhtahl ke in eklac mukul kuh pahpah tuhma se. Ke srihpen el lwemta ke elos suc sruok kunohkohn ma el tiac kuh in wi, el kena oruh “mwet nuhkwewa … in suhpwacr oacna el sifacna”! 8

Sruhkwack ac Kahsruh Ip kunac ke Ahkfalye Sie Sin Sie

Tamuhlwel ac tahmtahel, kuht enenuh sie sin sie! In muhtwacn ac mukul ma karihngihn wuhlweacng uh, kuht enenuh in kwacfe ac kahsruh sie sin sie in eklac nuh ke mwet ma Leum El kena kuht in eklac nuh kac uh. Ac kuht enenuh in tuhkweni orekma in kahsruh fihl se fahsruh ac kahsrwelos in ahkfalye ma kunaclos sin God me in eis moul ma pahtpaht. Kuht kuh in oruh oacna Robert D. Hales ac muhtwacn kiyacl, Mary, elos oruh ac ukwe soa kahs se “Sruhkyucyak ac nga ac sruhkkomyak, ac kuht fah tuhkweni sowack.” 9

Kuht etuh ke ma suhmuhslah lah “tia wo tuh … mukul se in mukena.” Pa oruh Pahpah tuhmasr Inkuhsrao El oraclah “sie mwet in kasrel.” 10 Pa inge mwet kahsruh se ma oreklac kacl, fal nuh sel, kuh insese nuh sel. 11 In mwe srihkasrak, paho lacyot oacna paho lacsac tuhsruhktuh tiac oacna sie. Ke ma pwacye uh, lacpo luo tiac oacna sie, tuhsruhktuh elos ahkfalye sie sin sie ac kuh in kahsruh sie sin sie. Ke tuhkweni orekma uh, elos fokoko likina met ah. 12

Ke sapta se ke sucu ac, handbook luhn Alu uh fahk ma inge: “Ohiyacn nguhn ke mukul ac muhtwacn oruh tuh elos in muh ahkfalye sie sin sie.” 13 Nuhnak muhnahs akihlen lah tiac fahk muh “lain sie sin sie,” tuhsruhk “ahkfalye sie sin sie”! Kuht oasr inge in kahsruh, sruhkwack, ac engan yurin sie sin sie ke kuht srihke in eklac pa wo emet sesr sifacna uh. Tahmtahel Barbara B. Smith el suhmaht in luti, “Arulacna yohk engan kuh in konweyuckyak ke kuht ahkfuhlwactye ma sikyak wo nuh sin sie ac tiac ma sikyak nuh sesr sifacna uh.” 14 Ke kuht suk in “ahkfalye” ac tiac “lain,” ac fihsracsri in ahk kweye sie sin sie!

Ke nga ninac fuhsr ke tuhlihk srihsrihk puhs, ke sahflahiyacn lwen sesseslah ke ayaol diaper, owo ahluh, ac kai, wacngihn mwet sahyac engan yohk likina in onkihn on ke U luhn Tuhlihk Srihsrihk “Nga engan ke pahpah el fohlohk nuh lohm ah.” 15 Nga ahsor in taltal, ne ohinge, lah nga tiac engan pacl nuh kwewa ke Craig el luhman rahrah in utyak nuh ke lohm ah tukun lwen upac ke orekma se uh. El wacna paing kais sie sesr ke sie asruhi ac kis nuh sin kais sie sesr pacl nuh kwewa ac ekuhllah lwen upac puhs ac kuhtuh pacl koluk nuh ke pacl wo luhn pahpah. Nga finsrak nga in ahksrihkye elyah ke ma puhkantwen nga enenuh in oruh ac lahlmwetmwet in lohacng, oacna el oruh, in lohacng nuh ke ma yohk srihpac emet. Nga ac tui fihsus likina met ah ac engankihn pacl muhtahl luhn sucu ac kwacna fahk kuloh nuh sel ke el ahkinsewowoye moul lasr uh!

Lwelah Kuht in Pacl Nuhkwewa Sramsram ke Kahs Kuhlwacng nuh Sin Sie sin Sie

Pacl fototo somlah ah, tahmtahel luhlahlfongi se ke Alu uh akacsruhi nuh sihk elyah loal se el pruhe kac ke pacl loes. Elyah lal ma ke kuhtuh tahmtahel ke ward lal. El fahk nuh sihk muh el kweok in liye ke elos sramsram ke ohiyac koluk nuh sin mukul tuhmwaclos ac ke mukul tuhmwaclos, finne sisken tuhlihk nahtuhlos. Na el fahk nuh sihk muh ke el tuh muhtwacn fuhsr se ah el tuh kena yohk ac pruhe in konwacack ac pahyuck nuh sin sie mwet nwacsnwacs suc sruok pristut ac orwaclah sie lohm engan yohrohl. El mahtuhlah ke lohm se ma ninac kacl el kol lohm ah ac pahpah tuhmwacl el ukwe fahk nuh kwewa luhn muhtwacn kiyacl in muh karihngihn mihslac ke lohm ah. El puhla muh oasr sie ohiyac wo likina. El tiac liye ke lohm ma el kapwack kac, tuhsruhktuh ke el pruhe ke oaru in suk ke kolyuck, Leum El ahkinsewowoyacl in etuh ohiyac in orwaclah sie lohm wi mukul tuhmwacl ma Nguhn sukohsohk in oasr kac. Nga tuh utyak nuh ke lohm sacn ac nga kuh in fahkwack lah acn sacn muhtahl!

Tahmtahel ac tamuhlwel, pacl ekahsr kuht sulwaclah in “sramsram ke kahs kuhlwacng nuh sin sie sin sie”? 16

Kuht kuh in sikeng ikuht sifacna in siyuck ekahsr kihsen siyuck ah. Ke eklac srihsrihk, kihsen siyuck inge kuh in siyuckyuck sin inkaiyacsr, finne kuht pahyuck kuh lolacp ac finne fuhkah ohiyacn lohm sesr uh.

  1. Kuh ngac pacl sahflah nga ahkfuhlwactye ke ohiyac pwacye mukul tuhmuhk kuh muhtwacn kiyuck, finne in sifacnakuht mukwena kuh ye muhtuhn tuhli

  2. Kuh ngac pacl sahflah se nga tuh fahk kuloh, ahkkahlwemye luhngse ah, kuh siyuck ke luhlahlfongi kacl ke pruhe?

  3. Kuh ngac pacl sahflah se nga tuh tulohkihnyucwi sifacna in tiac fahk ma nga etuh kuh in ahkngalye uh?

  4. Kuh ngac pacl sahflah se nga tuh taltal koluk ac ke puhsisacl siyuck ke nuhnak muhnahs—ac tiac sang pac kahs “tuhsruhktuh kom fuhnuh oruh” kuh “tuhsruhktuh kom fuhnuh tiac oruh”?

  5. Kuh ngac pacl sahflah se nga tuh sulaclah in engan sahyacn srihke in “pwacye sihk ac”?

Inge, kuhtwena kihsen siyuck inge fin oruh kom in puhla koluk kuh oasr mwacta kac, esam lah Elder David A. Bednar el luti lah “mwacta nuh ke nguhnasr uh oacna kweok nuh ke mahnosr uh—sie mwe sensenkackihn ke ma sensen uh ac sie mwe karihngihn liki sifilpac kuhnaoslah uh.” 17

Nga suli kais sie sesr in ukwe siyuck ke sinse pwacye lal Elder Jeffrey R. Holland: “Tamuhlwel ac tahmtahel, ke fuhfahsryucsr loes netok se inge in oacna Mwet Lahngo lasr, lwelah kuht in srihke in mukul ac muhtwacn ‘suwohswohs’ ke finne ohiyac sefanna ngwe ingena—in tiac ahktoasrye ke kahs, kuh ke ohiyacn fahk wo likina, in sramsram ke soko lohoh sasuc, loun lihpufacn.” 18

Ke nga ahkolah nuh ke pacl wo se inge mihsenge, Nguhn luti yuc, ac nga olwelah in sramsram ke kahs kuhlwacng yohk likina pacl met ah nuh sin mukul wolacna tuhmuhk ac sramsram kacl, in kwacfe mukul ke sucu luhk uh ac ahkkahlwemye srui ke ohiyac elos ahkfalye ke kunohkohn sin God me lalos. Ac nga olwelah in ukwe soa kahs se “Sruhkyucyak ac nga ac sruhkkomyak, ac kuht fah tuhkweni sowack.”

Yac kom ac wi yuc in suk kahsruh luhn Nguhn Muhtahl in luti kuht ohiyac ma kuht kuh in wo likina met ah in sruhkwack sie sin sie ke kunohkohn ma ahkfalye sie sin sie ekihn tuhlihk mukul ac muhtwacn wuhlweacng nuhtin pahpah ac ninac inkuhsrao kiyacsr?

Nga etuh lah ke kuh in ahkfahsrye luhn Iwaclah luhn Jisus Kraist ac luhlahlfongi lasr Sel, kuht kuh in oruh. Nga pruhe tuh kuht fah fihliyac luhlahlfongi lasr nuh Sel in kahsr kuht kahsruh sie sin sie in moul ke ohiyac engan ac ma pahtpaht ke kuht tuhkweni sowack nuh lucng, ke inen Jisus Kraist, amen.


  1. Boyd K. Packer, ke “Donna Smith Packer Receives Family History Certificate from BYU,” news.byu.edu/archive12-jun-packer.aspx.

  2. Dieter F. Uchtdorf, in Jeffrey R. Holland, “Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf: On to New Horizons,” Ensign, Mar. 2005, 12; Liahona, Mar. 2005, 10.

  3. Henry B. Eyring, in Gerald N. Lund, “Elder Henry B. Eyring: Molded by ‘Defining Influences,’” Ensign, Septempuh 1995, 14; Liahona, Eprel. 1996, 31.

  4. Thomas S. Monson, “I Will Not Fail Thee, nor Forsake Thee,” Ensign kuh Liahona, Nohfuhmpuh 2013, 85.

  5. Mark Twain, Eve’s Diary (1905), 107.

  6. Boyd K. Packer, “The Power of the Priesthood,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2010, 9.

  7. Ezra Taft Benson, “To the Fathers in Israel,” Ensign, Nov. 1987, 51, 50.

  8. 2 Nephi 2:27.

  9. See Robert D. Hales, “Strengthening Families: Our Sacred Duty,” Ensign, May 1999, 34; Liahona, July 1999, 40; see also LaRene Gaunt, “Elder Robert D. Hales: ‘Return with Honor,’” Ensign, July 1994, 51; Liahona, Apr. 1995, 31.

  10. Genesis 2:18.

  11. Genesis 2:18, footnote b.

  12. See Bruce K. Satterfield, “The Family under Siege: The Role of Man and Woman” (presentation given at Ricks College Education Week, June 7, 2001), 4; emp.byui.edu/SATTERFIELDB/PDF/RoleManWoman2.pdf.

  13. Handbook 2: Administering the Church (2010), 1.3.1.

  14. Barbara B. Smith, “Hearts So Similar,” Ensign, May 1982, 97.

  15. “Daddy’s Homecoming,” Children’s Songbook, 210.

  16. “Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words,” Hymns, no. 232.

  17. David A. Bednar, “We Believe in Being Chaste,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2013, 44.

  18. Jeffrey R. Holland, “The Tongue of Angels,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2007, 18.
