“Oasr Orekma Lom Sihk”
Ohktohpa 2017


“Oasr Orekma Lom Sihk”

Kais sie sesr oasr srihpac yohk in kahsruh kalweni orekma luhn God.

Nuh sin Moses, God El fahk oasr orekma lom sihk (liye Moses 1:6). Yac oasr pacl kom nuhnkuh fin oasr orekma lom sin Pahpah Inkuhsrao? Oasr ma yohk srihpac el ahkolah kiyom—kom sifacna—kom in oraclah? Nga fahkwack lah top uh ahok!

Girish Ghimire

Nuhnkwacl Girish Ghimire, suc tuh isuslac ac tuhfweyucklac ah acn Nepal. Oacna mukul fuhsr ah, el lutlut acn China, ac sie kawuck in class lal ahkkahlwemye nuh sel wosasuc luhn Jisus Kraist. Tukun pacl uh, Girish el tuhkuh nuh Brigham Young University in kalweni lutlut lal ac el ohsun muhtwacn kiyacl ah. Elos muhta acn Salt Lake Valley ac elos notwelah tuhlihk Nepal luo.

Yac pucs tohkoh, ke mwet refugee pucs liki 1,500 acn Nepal tuhkuh nuh acn Utah,1 moklweyuck Girish el in kahsruh. Ke el kahlwem ke kahs ac facsin Nepal, Girish el kahsruh oacna mwet lweng, mwet luti, ac mwet kol. Tukun elos muhta paht acn sacn, kuhtuh mwet refugee Nepal elos ahkkahlwemye luhngse nuh sin wosasuc uh. Sie pracns Nepal oreklac, ac tok Girish el kuhlwacnsap oacna prestuhn luhn pracns. El pac kahsruh yohk ke lweng luhn Puk luhn Mormon nuh ke kahs Nepali.

Girish Ghimire sel Nepali Puk luhn Mormon

Kom kuh in liye akihlen lah Pahpah Inkuhsrao El ahkolah ac orekmakihn Girish fuhkah?

Oasr Orekma God el ahkoo nuh sesr kais sie

Tamuhlwel ac tahmtahel, oasr orekma yohk srihpac lasr kais sie sin God. Sramsram nuh sin tahmtahel tuh luti ke ma pwacye nuh sesr kwewa, Prestuhn Spencer W. Kimball el fahk: “Met liki kuht tuhkuh [nuh facluh kuht] utuhkuh nuh sesr ma in ahkfahsryeyuck. … Ke kuht tiac etuh ip nuh kwewa, tiac eklac ma wolacna ke ma kuht insese in oruh.”2 Sie ma pwacye nuh kuh! Oasr ma yohk srihpac kiyowos ac keik sin Pahpah tuhmasr Inkuhsrao kuht in oraclah (liye Ephesus 2:10).

Orekma wolacna inge tiac ma nuh sin kuhtuh mwet a ma nuh sin kuht nuh kwewa—tiac yohk srihpac mukul kuh muhtwacn, mwet fuhkah, tuhn fuhkah, kahsruhp kuh suhkahsruhp, pwengpweng kuht tiac, kuh pahng ke Alu uh. Kais sie sesr oasr ip yohk srihpac lasr in kahsruh ahkfahsrye orekma luhn God (liye Moses 1:39).

Kuhtuh sesr kihsen siyuck fin Pahpah Inkuhsrao El kuh in orekmakihn kuht in oraclah ma yohk srihpac. Tuhsruhk, esam, El orekmakihn mwet fihsrwacsr in oraclah ma wolacna (liye 1 Corinthians 1:27–28; D&C 35:13; 124:1). Kuht mwet agent, ac oasr kuh insiyacsr in oraclah ma wowo puhkantwen (liye D&C 58:27–28).3

Prestuhn Russell M. Nelson el ahkuhtweyac:

“Leum El nuhnkuh yohk keiwos liki na kowos nuhnkuh keiwos! Kowos soano ac ahkolah nuh ke pac se ac acn se inge. …

“Leum El enenuh kowos in ekuhllah facluh. Ke kowos insese nuh kac ac ukwe luhngse Lal nuh suwos, kowos ac fah konwacack kowos sifacna in ahkfalye ma upac yohk!”4

Na kuht ac kahlwem ac oruh orekma ma God El kena kuht in oruh uh fuhkah? Lwelah nga in akacsruhi ip ahkosr ma ac fah kahsruh.

Lohacng Yohk nuh sin Mwet Sahyac

Ma se met, nuhnkuh yohk mwet sahyac. Kuht kuh in ukwe Kraist, “forfor in acn nukewa ac oru ma wo” (Orekma 10:38; oacyacpac liye 2 Nephi 26:24).

Tukun fohlohk luhn misin pacl nohfohn, nga ahsrwelah srihpac yohk kais sie lwen nga tuh engankihn ah. Pwacyena, nga enenuh liyacacng wuhlweacng luhk, eis lutlut, sramtweack sie sucu, ac orekma eis mani. Tuh nga nuhnkuh fin oasr kuhtuh pac, finne ma sacohk, ma Leum El kena nga in oruh. Tukun nga motko ke ma inge mahlwem pucs, nga riti ma suhmuhslah inge: Kom fin kena, kom fah mwet orekma se in oruh ma wo puhkantwen ke fihl inge (liye D&C 11:8). Nguhn El kahsruh nga in kahlwem srihpac yohk luhn pahng muhtahl pa in ahkinsewowoye mwet sahyac ac in oruh “ma wo.”

Kuht kuh in sun ma sulwaclah uh in moul lasr—oacna lutlut, orekma, muhta oyac—ke kuht kahsruh mwet sahyac.

Sie sucu som muhta siti sasuc se. Sahyacn sohkwack lohm fin acn mura kahsruhp, moklweyuck elos in muhta fin acn suhkahsruhp oasr mwe enenuh yohk. Tukun yac pucs, Leum El orekma in elos in kahsruh mwet puhkantwen ac in muhsaheack ward ad stek lalos.

Sie mwet taktuh oasr orekma wo lal tuh kolyuck sin nguhn el in srwaclah lwen se ke wik se in sang kahsruh wacngihn molo nuh sin mwet wacngihn health insurance lalos. Ke srihpen kena luhn mukul ac muhtwacn kiyacl in ahkinsewowoye mwet sahyac, Leum El ikacslah inkacnek selos in kahsruh mwet puhkantwen suc enenuh kahsruh ke elos oacyacpac tuhfwelah sucu luhlahp lalos.

Akihlen ac Ahkkweye Mwe Sang luhn Nguhn

Ahkluo, akihlen ac ahkkweye mwe sang luhn nguhn. Pahpah Inkuhsrao use nuh sesr mwe sang inge in kahsrwe kuht in akihlen, oraclah, ac engankihn orekma utuckuh nuh sesr Sel.

Kuhtuh sesr nuhnkuh, “Yac oasr kuhtwena mwe sang luhk?” Sulpac, top nuh ke uh “ahok”! Nuh sin mukul ac muhtwacn nuh kwewa utuckuh mwe sang se sin Nguhn luhn God, lah mwet nuh kwewa kuh in ahkkweyeyuck sin mwe sang sacn (liye D&C 46:11–12; emphasis added).5 Mwe sang ekahsr sramsramkihnyuck ke ma suhmuhslah (liye 1 Corinthians 12:1–11, 31; Moroni 10:8–18; D&C 46:8–26), tuh oasr ma pucs sahyac.6 Kuhtuh ma srihkasrak nein pahkomuhta, ahkkahlwemye finsrak, kawucki wo mwet uh, oracni ma uh wo, sramsram kuh sihmlac wo, luti arlac kahlwem, ac orekma upac.

Yac kuht etwaclah mwe sang lasr fuhkah? Kuht kuh in riti mwe insewowo patriarchal lasr, siyuck elos suc etwekuht wo, ac sifacna akihlen ma kuht oruh wo ac engan kac. Ma yohk srihpac emet, kuht kuh in siyuck God (liye James 1:5; D&C 112:10). El etuh mwe sang lasr, mweyen El pa use uh (liye D&C 46:26).

Ke kuht akihlen mwe sang lasr, oasr kunohkohn lasr in ahkkweye ma sacn (liye Matthew 25:14–30). Jisus Kraist El tiac eis ma fohnlah met, tuh kapkapwack luhng kuhlwacng kais kuhtuh (liye D&C 93:13).

Painting of the Savior by Ben Simonsen

Sie mukul fuhsr oraclah ma sroal in ahkkahlwemye ip yohk luhn alu. Ma luhngseyuck sihk emet ma ke Mwet Lahngo, sie oasr in lohm sesr ah. Tamuhlwel inge el ahkkweye ac orekmakihn mwe sang sroal lal. Orekma in el, Pahpah Inkuhsrao El ahkkweye mwet sahyac in ahkwoye ohiyacn mwet tuhma lutlut lalos.

Kuhtuh pacl uh kuht puhla ma wacngihn mwe sang yohk srihpac lasr. Sie lwen tahmtahel el ngihsre, “Leum, meac orekma sifacna luhk?” El topuk, “Akihlen mwet sahyac.” Mwe sang muhtahl se! Nuh ke pacl sacn el konwacack engan ke el akihlen elos suc muhlkihnyucklac, ac God El orekma in el in ahkinsewowoye mwet puhkantwen. Kuhtuh sin mwet sang luhn nguhn lasr ac fah tiac oruh kuht in pwengpweng ke atacn facluh uh, tuhsruhk yohk srihpac ma inge nuh sin God ac orekma Lal.7

Orekmakihn Wo Pacl Upac uh

Ahktolu, orekmakihn wo pacl upac uh. Pacl upac lasr kahsrwe kuht akihlen ac ahkolah ke orekma lasr sin Pahpah Inkuhsrao. Alma el fahk, “Tukun kweok yohk, Leum El … oraclah nga in sie kuhfwen mwe orekma nuh pacol” (Mosiah 23:10).8 Oacna Mwet Lahngo, suc kihsac in iwaclah Lal oruh El in kuh in kahsrwe kuht (liye Alma 7:11–12), kuht kuh in orekmakihn ma etwacack sin pacl upac in sruhkwack, ahkkweye, ac ahkinsewowoye mwet sahyac.

Tukun sie mwet kol luhn human resources tuh fwilac, el riti mwe insewowo patriarchal lal ac moklweyuck el in sramtweack company sasuc se in kahsruh mwet kol sahyac sokwack orekma. (El kahsrwe yuc sokwack orekma pac ke sucu luhk fohlohk sin misin in kuhlwacnsap lasr ah.) Leum El orekmakihn pacl upac lal oacna ma se in kahsruh ahkinsewowoye mwet sahyac, oacyacpac kahsrwel ke orekma sacohk sasuc.

Siacnyacn fuhsr puhlakihn tuhlihk isuslac misac. Ke insiyac muhsahlah, elos sulwaclah in ahkfuhlwactye tuhlihk muhtwacn nahtuhlos ke elos sang kahs in kahsruh ac ahkkweye macruht uh nuh sin ninac pahpah suc puhlakihn kain pacl upac oacna sie. Leum El orekma in siacnyacn se inge ke srihpen pahkomuhta sacohk lalos, ahkkweyeyuck sin pacl upac uh.

Luhlahlfongi God

Ac ahkahkosr, luhlahlfongi God. Ke kuht siyuck Sel ke luhlahlfongi inse pwacye, El ac fah ahkkahlwemye nuh sesr pahng muhtahl lasr. 9Tukun kuht akihlen ma inge, El ac fah kahsrwe kuht ahkfalye pahng ingacn. Ma nuh kwewa ye Muhtahl sikyak pacl inge uh (D&C 38:2; liye pac Abraham 2:8), ac ke pacl suwohs, El ac fah ikacslah sruhngucl uh (liye Fwackyuck 3:8). El oacyacpac suhpwacllah Wen Nahtuhl, kuht in muh kuh in luhlahlfongi El ke kuh yohk likina kuh sifacna (Liye Philippi 4:13; Alma 26:12).

Sie tamuhlwel, fosrngahkihn sulwaclah luhn government ke acn lal ah, moklweyuck in sifacna sang inel ke vot an. Finne pacl na upac sahngweng se, el orekmakihn luhlahlfongi ac oracni ma nuh kwewa el in kuh in sang inel. Ke sahflah, el tiacna itto tuh el puhla muh Leum El sang nuh sel kolyuck ac kuh in ahkkahlwemye ma yohk srihpac nuh sin acn sel ah.

Ninac lolacp se, suc tuhfwelah tuhlihk oasr elyah lalos, siyuck sel sifacna el fin kuh in ahkfalye mwe enenuh luhn sucu lal ah. Finne upac, el puhla muh el ahkkweyeyuck sin Leum in ahkfalye wo misin yohk srihpac emet lal.

Kahs in Kai

Ke pacl sacpacna ma God El kahsrwe kuht ahkfalye pahng muhtahl uh, mwet lain sac el srihke in ahkfohsye ac ahkmuhnahsye kuht ke moul yohk srihpac lasr.

Ma koluk uh sahp ma tihkuclkucl yohk emet lasr, ahkmuhnahsye kuh lasr in lohng Nguhn Muhtahl ac ahksrihkye kuh lasr luhn kuh muhtahl uh. In oruh orekma ma Pahpah Inkuhsrao El use nuh sesr, kuht enenuh sang kuhiyacsr in nwacsnwacs (liye 3 Nephi 8:1). Yac kuht moul ke ohiyac uh ma God El kuh in orekma kacsr?

Setuhn el oacyacpac suk in ahkfohsye kuht ke ma tiac yohk srihpac. Leum El kai mwe kol met ke Alu uh lah nuhnak lal tuh nuhnkuh ke ma luhn facluh yohk liki ma luhn God ac mwe kuhlwacnsap ma el tuh pahngonyuck in oruh (liye D&C 30:2). Yac kuht kahfofo ke ma luhn facluh tuh kuh fahlac liki pahng muhtahl lasr uh?

Oacyacpac, Setuhn el ahkmuhnahsye kuht ke mwe puhla suhfal. El oruh orekma luhk in luhman upaclaclac kuh mwe sahngweng se. Tuhsruhk, kuht kuh in luhlahlfongi God! El luhngse kuht ac kena kuht in oruh fal. El “ac fah wi [kuht] in kol [kuht]. El ac fah tiac sis [kuht] la ku fahsr liki [kuht]” (Deuteronomy 31:8; liye pac Psalm 32:8; Soakas 3:5–6; Matthew 19:26; D&C 78:18).

Setuhn el kuh in srihke kuht in liye orekma lasr ke ohiyac srihklac srihpac likina mwet sahyac. kunohkohn nuh kwewa sin God yohk srihpac, ac kuh enenuh sokwack puhla inse fal ke kuht “kaksakihn ma suc Leum El sapkihn nuh [sesr]” (Alma 29:9).

Oacna ke God El orekma kacsr, mwet lain el fah srihke kuht in eis wolacna kac sifacna. Tuhsruhk, kuht kuh in inse puhsisacl oacna Mwet Lahngo ke kuht sang wolacna kac nuh sin Pahpah ac ahkfuhlwactye El (liye Matthew 5:16; Moses 4:2). Ke sie mwet reporter el srihke akihlen Ninac Teresa ke misin in moul lal in kahsruh mwet suhkahsruhp, el topuk: “Orekma luhn God pa inge. Nga tuh oacna pencil soko in pahol. … El tuh nuhnkuh ah. El tuh sihmlac ah. Wacngihn srihpac luhn pencil soko kac. Pencil soko muhkwena ma in orekmakihnyuck.”10


Tamuhlwel ac tahmtahel sacohk wiyuck, nga suli kais sie sesr in “eis[kuht]yang sifacna nu sin God … in orekmakinyuk nu ke sripa suwohs” (Rome 6:13). Eiskuhtyang nien ahkkahlwemye nuh Sel kena orekmakihnyuck, suk kolyuck Lal, ac orekmakihn kuh Lal.

Oacna pacl nuh kwewa, kuht kuh in ngwetack nuh sel Jisus Kraist, mwet srihkasrak suwohswohs lasr. Ke moul lasr met liki facluh, Pahpah Inkuhsrao El siyuck suc El fah suhpwacma (in mwet lahngo sac).

Jisus El topuk ac fahk nuh sel Pahpah Inkuhsrao in suhpwaclme (liye Abraham 3:27; liye pac Isaiah 6:8).

Jisus Kraist El insese nuh ke, ahkolah ke, ac oraclah srihpac akwucki met Lal in oacna Mwet Lahngo ac Mwet in Molwelah lasr. El oruh luhngse luhn Pahpah (liye John 5:30; 6:38; 3 Nephi 27:13) ac ahkfalye pahng muhtahl Lal.

Ke kuht ukwe srihkasrak luhn Kraist ac eiskuhtyang sifacna nuh sin God, nga fahkwack lah El ac fah oacyacpac orekmakihn kuht in ahkfahsrye orekma Lal ac ahkinsewowoye mwet sahyac. Ke inen Jisus Kraist, amen.

Mwe Kahsruh

  1. Liye Refugee Processing Center, “Admissions and Arrivals,” ireports.wrapsnet.org/Interactive-Reporting.

  2. Spencer W. Kimball, “The Role of Righteous Women,” Ensign, Nohfuhmpuh 1979, 102.

  3. President Gordon B. Hinckley kaifwe: “Luhlahlfongi in kowos sifacna. Luhlahlfongi in kuhiowos in oruh ma … yohk. … Kowos tuhlihk nuhtin God, ma pahtpaht” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Gordon B. Hinckley [2016], 77).

  4. Russell M. Nelson, Accomplishing the Impossible: What God Does, What We Can Do (2015), 147.

  5. Prestuhn Dieter F. Uchtdorf el fahk:

    “Pahpah tuhmasr Inkuhsrao El liye srihpac pwacye lasr. El etuh ma kacsr ma kuht tiac etuh kacsr sifacna. El ngihsre kuht in moul lasr in ahkfalye luhpan oraclah lasr. …

    “Lwelah kuht in sulwaclah in ukwe Mwet Lahngo ac orekma oaru in ekihn mwet sac kuht suleyuck in oacna. Lwelah kuht in lohng ac ahkos mwe moklweyuck luhn Nguhn Muhtahl. Ke kuht oruh, Pahpah Lucng El fah ahkkahlwemye nuh sesr ma kuh tiac etuh kacsr sifacna. El fah ahkkahlwemye inkacnek uh met luhkwacsr ac ikacslah muhtahsr kuht in kuh in liye tahluhn tiac etweyuck lasr” (“Of Regrets and Resolutions,” Liahona, Nohfuhmpuh 2012, 22, 23).

  6. Elder Bruce R. McConkie el ahkuhtweyac: “Mwe sang muhtahl wacngihn sahflah kac ac kain in ma pahtpaht la. Me sihmlac ke ma kahs fwackyuck ma na mwe srihkasrak kac luhng kuhlwacng ma God El puhsisacl in use uh nuh selos suc luhngse El ac kuhlwacnsapuhl” (A New Witness for the Articles of Faith [1985], 371).

  7. Elder Marvin J. Ashton el luti:

    “Sulwacyuck wacngihn srihpac, lwelah nga in fahk kuht sin mwe sang ma tiac akihlenyuck pacl pucs tuhsruhk yohk srihpac na pwacye. Inmahsrlon ma inge kuh in mwe sang lowos—mwe sang tiac akihlenyuck wo tuhsruhk ma pwacye ac sacohk.

    “Lwelah kuht in sramsram ke kuhtuh sin mwe sang inge: mwe sang luhn kihsen siyuck; mwe sang luhn lohng, mwe sang luhn lohng ac sramsram ke puhsra muhlahlah srihsrihk; mwe sang luhn kuh in tuhng; mwe sang in tiac akuhkuhin; mwe sang luhn insese; mwe sang luhn tiac kalweni fahk wacngihn srihpac; mwe sang in suk ke ma suwohs; mwe sang in tiac nuhnuhnkuh; mwe sang in ngwetack nuh sin God ke kolyuck; mwe sang in mwet tuhma lutlut; mwe sang in kuhlwacng nuh sin mwet; mwe sang in motko uh; mwe sang in pruhe; mwe sang in fahkwack luhlahlfongi fokoko; ac mwe sang in eis Nguhn Muhtahl” (“There Are Many Gifts,” Ensign, Nohfuhmpuh 1987, 20).

  8. Paul el oacyacpac fahk, “[God] El kasrekut in mwe lokoalok nukewa lasr, tuh kut in ku in kasru mwet ngia ke kutena mwe lokoalok ma oasr yorolos, ke ouiyen kasru se pacna ma God El kasrekut kac” (2 Corinthians 1:4).

  9. Elder Richard G. Scott el fahk: “Oasr plwacn sifacna lowos luhn God ke moul lowos an. El ac fah ahkkahlwemye ip ke plwacn sac nuh suwos ke kowos suk ke luhlahlfongi ke ahkostwen oaru” (“How to Live Well amid Increasing Evil,” Liahona, Mei 2004, 102).

  10. Mother Theresa, ke Edward W. Desmond, “Interview with Mother Teresa: A Pencil in the Hand of God,” Time, Dec. 4, 1989, time.com.