undefined undefined Exodus 5: Hard-Hearted Pharaoh
Exodus 5: Hard-Hearted Pharaoh

“Exodus 5: Hard-Hearted Pharaoh,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 44

“Exodus 5,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 44

Exodus 5

Hard-Hearted Pharaoh

When we do what is right, we are not always immediately rewarded or may not be immediately successful in the ways we desire. To do what we know is right when the rewards are not immediate or when things seem to get worse instead of better is an important test of faith (see Ether 12:6).

At the end of Exodus 4 we read that Moses returned to Egypt and showed signs and wonders to his people. They believed in him and appeared anxious to follow him in his role as deliverer. As you read Exodus 5, notice how and why the attitudes of the people changed. Also think about what you would do in a similar circumstance.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A, then do either activity B or C.

  1. Summarize the Chapter

    Summarize Exodus 5 by following the example below. Finish each sentence in your own words.

    Moses and Aaron asked Pharaoh …

    and so

    Pharaoh responded by …

    and so

    The Israelites said to Pharaoh …

    and so

    Pharaoh said …

    and so

    The Israelites said to Moses and Aaron …

  2. Write an Imaginary Journal Entry

    Record what you would have written at the end of Exodus 5 if you had experienced what Moses and Aaron did.

  3. Explain an Important Idea

    Write to the Israelites, telling why the Lord sometimes allows circumstances to get harder for us rather than making them easier when we do what is right. You may use any scripture, ancient or modern, in your answer, or you may use General Authority statements you might have access to.