undefined undefined Exodus 6: I Am the Lord
Seminaries and Institutes
Exodus 6: I Am the Lord

“Exodus 6: I Am the Lord,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 44

“Exodus 6,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 44

Exodus 6

I Am the Lord

At the close of Exodus 5, both Moses and the children of Israel were discouraged; it seemed like obeying God only caused them more trials. Exodus 6 contains the Lord’s promises that He would deliver and sustain them.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A as you study Exodus 6.

  1. Find Messages of Encouragement

    Choose what you think are two encouraging things the Lord said to the Israelites in Exodus 6. Explain why you think both messages were encouraging to the children of Israel and could be encouraging to someone with trials and challenges today. Make sure you read the Joseph Smith Translation for Exodus 6:3.