Seminaries and Institutes
Exodus 7–10: The Plagues

“Exodus 7–10: The Plagues,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 44–45

“Exodus 7–10,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 44–45

Exodus 7–10

The Plagues

In Exodus 5, the Lord gave Pharaoh the opportunity to simply let the children of Israel go, but Pharaoh refused. Exodus 7 begins a series of confrontations Moses and Aaron had with Pharaoh. Moses and Aaron asked Pharaoh to let the Israelites go, declaring that if he did not, God would display His power by plaguing or causing problems for Egypt. As a result, the signs God sent are known as “the plagues of Egypt.” Exodus 7–10 records nine different plagues. A tenth plague will be discussed in Exodus 11–13.

The fact that the Lord plagued Egypt so many times shows how merciful He is. Instead of immediately destroying Pharaoh and the Egyptians, He gave them many chances to acknowledge Him and His power. The Lord’s purpose is to have all of His children turn to Him. Only after nine impressive displays of the Lord’s power and Pharaoh completely hardening his heart did the Lord prepare the destructive tenth plague.

To help you see this story as a whole, “Understanding the Scriptures” will help you with words and phrases by chapter, and “Studying the Scriptures” will combine all four chapters into one section.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study Exodus 7–10.

  1. Why Did God Send Plagues?

    Read Exodus 7:1–7; 9:16 and tell what the Lord said about why He would show signs and miracles.

  2. Find the Plagues

    Make a chart like the following and fill it in with information you find about each of the nine plagues.



    What Moses and Aaron Did before the Plague

    The Effect of the Plague on the Egyptians

    The Effect of the Plague on the Israelites

    How Pharaoh or His Servants Responded to the Plague

    Exodus 7:14–25

    Exodus 8:1–15

    Exodus 8:16–19

    Exodus 8:20–32

    Exodus 9:1–7

    Exodus 9:8–12

    Exodus 9:13–35

    Exodus 10:1–20

    Exodus 10:21–29
