undefined undefined Joshua 6: The Walls Came Tumbling Down
Joshua 6: The Walls Came Tumbling Down

“Joshua 6: The Walls Came Tumbling Down,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 81

“Joshua 6,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 81

Joshua 6

The Walls Came Tumbling Down

In Joshua 2 we read about how two Israelites spied on Jericho, were protected by Rahab, and then brought back their report to Joshua. Joshua 6 tells how the Israelite army conquered the city and how Rahab was saved, as the spies had promised.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A and B as you study Joshua 6.

  1. Describe the Battle of Jericho

    Briefly describe the battle of Jericho, making sure to include the following words: surround, trumpet, seven, ark, and Rahab.

  2. How Did They Feel? What Did They Think?

    Write something you think each of the following people thought or felt as a part of the conquest of Jericho: an Israelite priest with a trumpet, a soldier in the army, a cousin to Rahab, and a citizen of Jericho. Jericho was the first city the armies of Israel battled after entering the land of Canaan. What do you think the children of Israel should have learned from how they won this battle that could have helped them as they continued their conquest of the promised land?