undefined undefined Joshua 7: Conquering the City of Ai
Joshua 7: Conquering the City of Ai

“Joshua 7: Conquering the City of Ai,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 81–82

“Joshua 7,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 81–82

Joshua 7

Conquering the City of Ai

What happens when we sin and try to hide it? (see D&C 121:37). Even though other people may not know we are hiding our sins, who does know? What happens to our spiritual progress when we try to hide our sins? Joshua 7 records how the children of Israel learned a very important and impressive lesson about the importance of obedience and how it effects others, and that we cannot hide our disobedience from the Lord.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A as you study Joshua 7.

  1. Consequences of Sin

    1. Elder Dean L. Larsen said, “There is no such thing as private sin” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1983, 49; or Ensign, May 1983, 35). In what ways does the story of Achan demonstrate this truth? For example, how did Achan’s sin affect thirty-six Israelites and their families? Include in your answer how his sin affected all the camp of Israel, including Joshua, and how it affected Achan’s family.

    2. Think of and write about a modern example of how what seems to be a person’s “private sin” can actually affect many others.