undefined undefined Micah 1–2: Both Israel and Judah to Fall
Micah 1–2: Both Israel and Judah to Fall

“Micah 1–2: Both Israel and Judah to Fall,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 186–87

“Micah 1–2,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 186–87

Micah 1–2

Both Israel and Judah to Fall

Micah 1–2 holds Micah’s prophecies that the Lord would come in judgment upon both Israel and Judah because of their sins. He specifically mentioned the sins of idol worship and desiring riches and then obtaining those riches through violence and dishonesty. Micah did not leave Israel and Judah entirely hopeless, however. He prophesied that after the judgments, Israel would be gathered again.