undefined undefined Zephaniah 3: Words of Encouragement
Zephaniah 3: Words of Encouragement

“Zephaniah 3: Words of Encouragement,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 189

“Zephaniah 3,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 189

Zephaniah 3

Words of Encouragement

A person who has sinned may be tempted to give up and think there is no way he or she can ever “come back.” Because of these feelings of discouragement, it is important not only to speak clearly about what the sinner did wrong but also to speak words of hope that the sinner may be encouraged to repent and look to a better future. Zephaniah 3 holds the Lord’s words of encouragement for the people of Judah.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A as you study Zephaniah 3.

  1. Tell What Impresses You

    Zephaniah 3:8–20 describes the latter days and the wonderful way the Lord will bring His covenant people back to Him after their being scattered and taken captive because of their sins. As you read these verses, think about how they might apply to people today who need to come back to the Lord or who are worried and fearful about the last days. Write at least two truths the Lord said in this chapter that impress you the most, and explain why.