undefined undefined Genesis 14: Abraham Meets with Melchizedek
Genesis 14: Abraham Meets with Melchizedek

“Genesis 14: Abraham Meets with Melchizedek,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 24

“Genesis 14,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 24

Genesis 14

Abraham Meets with Melchizedek

In Genesis 13:12 we read that Lot “pitched his tent toward Sodom.” By Genesis 14:12 we learn that he “dwelt in Sodom.” As a result, he became a prisoner in a battle between the various kings of the land at that time. Abraham was apparently not affected by the war until Lot was captured. Genesis 14:1–12 explains how the different kings formed military alliances in order to protect themselves and win battles. At this time, when one king did another king a favor, something was expected in return. As you read Genesis 14:13–24, notice what Abraham did to help Lot and how Abraham felt about receiving honor, power, money, or flattery from men with worldly power. Compare this reaction to how he received and honored a man with heavenly power and authority.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activity A and then do either activity B or C as you study Genesis 14:13–24.

  1. Who Was Melchizedek?

    Notice that footnote 24a has a reference to JST, Genesis 14:25–40 (pp. 797–98). Read JST, Genesis 14:25–40; Alma 13:14–19; Doctrine and Covenants 84:14; 107:1–4; 138:41. Describe who Melchizedek was and why you think Abraham paid tithes to and received blessings from him.

  2. Make Your Own Conclusion

    The city of Sodom was known for having wealth and many worldly pleasures and for its great wickedness. What did Abraham’s actions toward the king of Sodom teach us about his values and commitment to God? As you answer that question, consider what Abraham could have gained from the king of Sodom. Also consider the principle found in Moroni 10:30.

  3. Draw

    Draw something that represents or symbolizes the story of Abraham in Genesis 14:17–24.