1:53Children of Christ See also Begotten; Born Again, Born of God; Jesus Christ; Sons and Daughters of God Those who have accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ. Whosoever shall humble himself as this little child is greatest, Matt. 18:1–4. Believe in the light that ye may be the children of light, John 12:36. Put off the natural man and become as a child, Mosiah 3:19; 27:25–26. Because of the covenant ye shall be called the children of Christ, Mosiah 5:7. If ye will lay hold upon every good thing, ye certainly will be a child of Christ, Moro. 7:19. As many as received me, gave I power to become my sons, D&C 39:4. Fear not, little children, for you are mine, D&C 50:40–41. Thou art one in me, a son of God, Moses 6:68.