2:23Eye, Eyes In the scriptures, the eye is often used as a symbol of a person’s ability to receive the light of God. Symbolically, a person’s eye also shows spiritual condition and an understanding of the things of God. The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes, Ps. 19:8. The foolish have eyes and see not, Jer. 5:21 (Mark 8:18). The light of the body is the eye, Matt. 6:22 (Luke 11:34; 3 Ne. 13:22; D&C 88:67). Blessed are your eyes for they see, Matt. 13:16. The eyes of your understanding will be enlightened, Eph. 1:17–18. Wo unto the wise in their own eyes, 2 Ne. 15:21 (Isa. 5:21). They began to fast and to pray that the eyes of the people might be opened, Mosiah 27:22. Satan did blind their eyes, 3 Ne. 2:2. None can have power to bring the Book of Mormon forth except with an eye single to God’s glory, Morm. 8:15. By the power of the Spirit our eyes were opened and our understandings enlightened, D&C 76:12. The light is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, D&C 88:11. If your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, D&C 88:67.