1:45Ishmael, Son of Abraham See also Abraham; Hagar In the Old Testament, a son of Abraham and Hagar, Sarah’s Egyptian handmaid (Gen. 16:11–16). The Lord promised both Abraham and Hagar that Ishmael would become the father of a great nation (Gen. 21:8–21). The covenant came through Isaac rather than Ishmael, Gen. 17:19–21 (Gal. 4:22–5:1). God blessed Ishmael that he would be fruitful, Gen. 17:20. Ishmael helped bury Abraham, Gen. 25:8–9. Ishmael’s twelve sons were named, Gen. 25:12–16. Ishmael died, Gen. 25:17–18. Esau took Ishmael’s daughter, Mahalath, to be his wife, Gen. 28:9.