2:2Honor See also Esteem; Reverence As usually used in the scriptures, to show respect and reverence to someone or something. Honor thy father and thy mother, Ex. 20:12 (1 Ne. 17:55; Mosiah 13:20). Honor the Lord with thy substance, Prov. 3:9. If any man serve me, him will my Father honor, John 12:26. Husbands should give honor to their wives, 1 Pet. 3:7. With their lips only do they honor the Lord, 2 Ne. 27:25 (Isa. 29:13). I seek not for the honor of the world, Alma 60:36. The devil rebelled against me, saying, Give me thine honor, which is my power, D&C 29:36. The faithful shall be crowned with honor, D&C 75:5 (D&C 124:55). The Lord delights to honor those who serve him, D&C 76:5. They are not chosen because they aspire to the honors of men, D&C 121:34–35. We believe in honoring and sustaining the law, A of F 1:12 (D&C 134:6).