1:46Free, Freedom See also Agency; Captivity; Liberty The power or ability to make personal choices without compulsion. In a spiritual sense, a person who repents and obeys God’s will is free from the bondage of sin through the Atonement of Jesus Christ (Mosiah 5:8). The truth shall make you free, John 8:32. Those who become free from sin receive eternal life, Rom. 6:19–23. A righteous branch of the house of Israel shall be brought out of captivity unto freedom, 2 Ne. 3:5. They cried unto the Lord for their freedom, Alma 43:48–50. Moroni did joy in the freedom of his country, Alma 48:11. The Spirit of God is the spirit of freedom, Alma 61:15. Follow me, and you shall be a free people, D&C 38:22.