2:1Murder See also Cain; Capital Punishment The deliberate and unjustified taking of human life. Murder is a sin condemned from earliest times (Gen. 4:1–12; Moses 5:18–41). Whoever sheds a man’s blood shall have his blood shed by man, Gen. 9:6 (JST, Gen. 9:12–13; Ex. 21:12; Alma 34:12). Thou shalt not kill, Ex. 20:13 (Deut. 5:17; Matt. 5:21–22; Mosiah 13:21; D&C 59:6). Jesus said, thou shalt do no murder, Matt. 19:18. Murderers shall have their part in the second death, Rev. 21:8. Ye are murderers in your hearts, 1 Ne. 17:44. Wo to the murderer who kills deliberately, 2 Ne. 9:35. God has commanded that men should not murder, 2 Ne. 26:32. Murder is an abomination to the Lord, Alma 39:5–6. He that kills shall not have forgiveness, D&C 42:18. Any person who kills shall be delivered up to the laws of the land, D&C 42:79.