2:14Endure See also Adversity; Patience; Tempt, Temptation To remain firm in a commitment to be true to the commandments of God despite temptation, opposition, and adversity. He that endureth to the end shall be saved, Matt. 10:22 (Mark 13:13). They have no root and so endure but for a time, Mark 4:17. Charity endureth all things, 1Â Cor. 13:7. After Abraham had patiently endured, he obtained the promise, Heb. 6:15. If they endure unto the end they shall be lifted up at the last day, 1Â Ne. 13:37. If ye shall be obedient to the commandments, and endure to the end, ye shall be saved, 1Â Ne. 22:31 (Alma 5:13). If ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, ye shall have eternal life, 2Â Ne. 31:20 (3Â Ne. 15:9; D&C 14:7). Whoso taketh upon him my name, and endureth to the end, shall be saved, 3Â Ne. 27:6. Whosoever endureth of my church to the end, him will I establish upon my rock, D&C 10:69. He that endureth in faith shall overcome the world, D&C 63:20, 47. All thrones and dominions shall be set forth upon all who have endured valiantly for the gospel of Jesus Christ, D&C 121:29.