1:51Vineyard of the Lord See also Field; Israel A symbol for a field of spiritual labor. In the scriptures, the vineyard of the Lord usually refers to the house of Israel or the kingdom of God on the earth. It sometimes refers to the peoples of the world in general. The vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel, Isa. 5:7 (2 Ne. 15:7). Jesus gave the parable of the laborers in the vineyard, Matt. 20:1–16. Israel is like unto a tame olive tree that is nourished in the Lord’s vineyard, Jacob 5. Servants of the Lord shall prune his vineyard for the last time, Jacob 6. The Lord will bless all who labor in his vineyard, D&C 21:9 (Alma 28:14). Labor ye in my vineyard for the last time, D&C 43:28.