Study Helps
Jesus Christ


Jesus Christ

Christ (a Greek word) and Messiah (a Hebrew word) mean “the anointed.” Jesus Christ is the Firstborn of the Father in the spirit (Heb. 1:6; D&C 93:21). He is the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh (John 1:14; 3:16). He is Jehovah (D&C 110:3–4) and was foreordained to His great calling before the creation of the world. Under the direction of the Father, Jesus created the earth and everything on it (John 1:3, 14; Moses 1:31–33). He was born to Mary at Bethlehem, lived a sinless life, and made a perfect atonement for the sins of all mankind by the shedding of His blood and giving His life on the cross (Matt. 2:1; 1 Ne. 11:13–33; 3 Ne. 27:13–16; D&C 76:40–42). He rose from the dead, thus assuring the eventual resurrection of all mankind. Through Jesus’ Atonement and Resurrection, those who repent of their sins and obey God’s commandments can live eternally with Jesus and the Father (2 Ne. 9:10–12; 21–22; D&C 76:50–53, 62).

Jesus Christ is the greatest being to be born on this earth. His life is the perfect example of how all mankind should live. All prayers, blessings, and priesthood ordinances should be done in His name. He is the Lord of lords, King of kings, the Creator, the Savior, and the God of the whole earth.

Jesus Christ will come again in power and glory to reign on the earth during the Millennium. At the last day, He will judge all mankind (Alma 11:40–41; JS—M 1).

Summary of His life (in sequence of events)


Example of Jesus Christ

Glory of Jesus Christ

Head of the Church


Millennial reign of Christ

Postmortal appearances of Christ

Premortal existence of Christ

Prophecies about the birth and death of Jesus Christ

Taking the name of Jesus Christ upon us

Testimony borne of Jesus Christ

Types or symbols of Christ