E te mau hoa here ē
Mē 2023

« E te mau hoa here ē », Hoa, Mē 2023, tāpo’i roto nō mua.

E te mau hoa here ē,

Jesus Christ (dressed in light colored robes) standing under a stone arch. Several other arches are in the background. Vines and flowers are growing on the arches. Christ is holding out His hand (as if to feed) to three little birds sitting on a limb. The painting depicts the concept of Christ's concern for "even the least" of all creation. (Matthew 25:40)

E mea hāmani maita’i ’oe ia vetahi ’ē ? Tē hina’aro nei tō tātou peropheta ’ia pe’e tātou ia Iesu Mesia nā roto i te rirora’a ’ei ta’ata fa’atupu hau i te mau vāhi ato’a e haere tātou. E nehenehe ’oe e tai’o i tāna parau i ni’a i te ’api 2. E parau ’e e rave te feiā ’āpe’e ia Iesu Mesia i te mau mea maita’i. ’A feruri i te tahi mau rāve’a e hāmani maita’i roa ai ’oe i te ta’ata ’e e here roa ho’i ia rātou. E nehenehe e hāmani i te tahi huna mata nō te tahi ’aito nō te tāvinira’a i ni’a i te ’api 12, nō te tauturu ia ’oe ’ia ha’amana’o. E nehenehe tā tātou mau mā’itira’a maita’i e taui i te ao nei !

Mā te here,

Te Hoa

P. S. ’A pāpa’i ’e ’a fa’ati’a mai nō ni’a i te hō’ē taime e ta’ata fa’atupu hau ’oe !
