Seminaries and Institutes
Jonah 3–4: Jonah at Nineveh

“Jonah 3–4: Jonah at Nineveh,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 186

“Jonah 3–4,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 186

Jonah 3–4

Jonah at Nineveh

Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, was a very large city for that day. It was about 96 kilometers (60 miles) around and had a population of about 120,000 (see Jonah 4:11). Nineveh was known to be a very wicked city. Jonah 3–4 records what the people did when Jonah told them they would be destroyed because of their wickedness, and how Jonah reacted to their response. Notice what they did and what Jonah learned from his mission as well.

Studying the Scriptures

Do activities A–C as you study Jonah 3–4.

  1. Write a Proclamation

    A Proclamation to the People of Nineveh

    Jonah 3:5–8 says that when the king heard Jonah’s message he made a proclamation to the people. Based on what you read in Jonah 3, write what you think the proclamation might have said and what you know about the people of Nineveh.

  2. What Was He Thinking?

    Describe how Jonah may have felt about what God did in Jonah 3:10 and why you think he may have felt that way.

  3. What’s the Point?

    Tell what you think the message of the book of Jonah is (you can choose more than one).