Come, Ye Children of the Lord

Come, Ye Children of the Lord


1. Come, ye children of the Lord,

Let us sing with one accord,

Let us raise a joyful strain,

To our Lord who soon will reign

On this earth when it shall be

Cleansed from all iniquity;

When all men from sin will cease,

And will live in love and peace.

2. Oh how joyful it will be,

When our Savior we shall see!

When in splendor He’ll descend,

Then all wickedness will end.

O what songs we then will sing

To our Savior, Lord, and King.

O what love will then bear sway,

When our fears shall flee away!

3. All arrayed in spotless white,

We will dwell ’mid truth and light.

We will sing the songs of praise;

We will shout in joyous lays.

Earth shall then be cleansed from sin.

Ev’ry living thing therein

Shall in love and beauty dwell;

Then with joy each heart will swell.

James H. Wallis

Spanish Melody
