As Though I Had Been There

As Though I Had Been There

Reverently; with awe

1. Once Jesus sat upon a hill

and taught a multitude

Of faith and love and peace and joy—

He taught them to do good.

The scriptures bring these words to me

as though I had been there,

And when I read them, I can feel

my Savior’s tender care.

2. Once Nephi, Alma, Samuel, John

were prophets God had sent.

They taught His children faith and hope;

They taught them to repent.

The scriptures bring these words to me

as though I had been there,

And when I read them, I can feel

my Savior’s tender care.

Words and music by Annette W. Dickman

Copyright © 1998 by Annette Dickman. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial home or church use. This notice must appear on each copy made.
