If I Planted a Garden

If I Planted a Garden

1. If I planted a garden,

If I carefully sowed,

If I nourished each tiny seed,

If I tended it well,

And helped it to grow,

What a beautiful harvest I’d reap.

2. In my life, like a garden,

There are seeds to be sown.

I must choose with the greatest care,

Planting only what’s good

So I can be sure

Only beautiful things will grow there.

3. I am planting my garden

Ev’ry day of my life,

And the harvest is mine to keep.

If I plant seeds of faith,

Of honor and truth,

What a beautiful harvest I’ll reap.

Words and music by Sally DeFord

Copyright © 1997 by Sally DeFord. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial home or church use. This notice must be included on each copy made.
