There Is Love in My Family Tree

There Is Love in My Family Tree


1. There is love in my family tree.

I love my family; they love me.

Some were born before me;

Some will follow after.

We are joined together happily.

There is love in my family tree.

2. As I search in my family tree,

Stories of courage inspire me.

Finding my relations,

Linking generations

That is what the Lord expects of me

As a branch in my family tree.

3. There is love in my family tree.

Heavenly Father has promised me

We can be together,

Feel his love forever

Sealed together for eternity

As a part of His family tree.

Words and music by

Janice Kapp Perry

© 2016 Janice Kapp Perry. All rights reserved.

This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use.

This notice must be included on each copy made.
