My Testimony Is Growing

My Testimony Is Growing


1. I believe that Heav’nly Father knows me, and He cares,

For when I ask for help, He gives me answers to my prayers.

I believe He loves me, too, because He sent His Son

To die for me so I can live when life on earth is done.

My testimony is growing, as gospel seeds are sown.

My testimony is growing, a witness of my own.

2. I believe that Joseph Smith was chosen by the Lord

to be the one through whom He could reveal His sacred word.

I believe our prophet knows God’s will for us today,

and we must listen carefully to what he has to say.

My testimony is growing, as gospel seeds are sown.

My testimony is growing, a witness of my own.

Words and music by Kathryn B. Decker

Copyright © 1994 by Kathryn B. Decker. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use. This notice must appear on each copy made.
