I Heard the Prophet

I Heard the Prophet


1. I heard the prophet speak today.

He spoke of Jesus Christ.

He said that I should always pray

And live a righteous life.

I heard the prophet speak today.

I felt his words. Did you?

I know that he was sent by God

And what he says is true.

2. Now Joshua, and Joseph Smith,

And Paul, and Nephi, too,

Were called by God, who spoke to them

And told them what to do.

Some built a ship. Some healed the sick.

Some turned the night to day.

But ev’ry prophet knows the Lord

And teaches us His ways.

3. I heard the prophet speak today.

His words were sure and true.

He said, “Serve God and you’ll be blessed

In righteous things you do.”

God’s chosen prophet leads our church

And teaches us today.

I’ll listen as God speaks through him

And willingly obey.

Words by John V. Pearson

Music by Janice Kapp Perry

Copyright © 2001 by John V. Pearson and Janice Kapp Perry. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial home or church use. This notice must be included on each copy made.
