I Can Be a Modern-Day Pioneer

I Can Be a Modern-Day Pioneer

With conviction

1. Oh, I can be a modern-day pioneer,

and I can help to build the kingdom too:

I can think pure thoughts and turn away from sin,

and I can do kind deeds and share my love within.

I can serve my fam’ly and do it with a grin!

Yes, I can be a modern pioneer!

2. Oh, I can be a modern-day pioneer,

and I can blaze a path of righteousness:

I can pray sincerely each and ev’ry day,

and I can keep my spirit clean in ev’ry way.

I can read God’s word and listen and obey.

Yes, I can be a modern pioneer!

3. Oh, I will be a modern-day pioneer,

and I will be a missionary too:

I will love my neighbor, lend a helping hand,

and I will tell the truth and take a righteous stand.

I will seek the Lord and follow His command.

Yes, I will be a modern pioneer!

Words and music by Barbara A. McConochie

Copyright © 1993 by Barbara A. McConochie. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use. This notice must appear on each copy made.
